Friday, August 5, 2011

"Do you not realize I have had diarrhea since Easters?"

Happy Easter! See, I'm now only three months behind on posting pictures! I have to hurry and catch up so I can post pictures of our new bundle of love! Kavella is so delicious in her Easter dress.

The Easter bunny hopped into her room and left her a basket of goodies! She was so excited to find it after church (there was no talk of baskets before church because I didn't want to deal with that mess on her dress)!

The Easter bunny even left ME a goodie; a body pillow for pregnant ladies!

Bike rides are one of Kavella's favorite activities--especially with Daddy!

Oh, okay, here we are in Hurricane visiting Dave and Eloise.

Dustin let her push the, that was scary.

Oh, wait, here she is shooting a gun....surprisingly, a little less scary.

Just what you want to see--your mother-in-law wielding a gun.

Ricky and Morgan were able to come down for a few days, too!

Um, so this may not have been the safest looks like we put our child(ren) in danger quite often. Hmmmm, is this a public forum?

Throwing rocks.

Yet ANOTHER family photo that didn't turn out. Well, there is the back of my kid's head and my dog's butt.

In my defense, I carry an exorbitant amount of water with my pregnancies, so I'm sure Curren was just fine in there while we were off-roading!

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