Sunday, August 28, 2011

CA/OK Christmas 2010

Granny and Poppy invited us over for "Christmas" dinner, which was lovely! I think it was actually mid-December, but since it was the only time the family would be together, we did it! Kavella sure loves spending time with her cousins, Conner and Amanda.! Thanks, Granny and Poppy, for the baby stroller! Check out my excitement....

Handsome Baby Wyatt! We headed out to OK this year for Christmas--ALL of my siblings were going to be there, so it was a really special/crazy time!

Ellie and Scottipie!

Grant met Kavella for the first time, so she was inevitably the recipient of numerous smooches, nibbles and lubs.....things would only get more intense (in that category) when Ricky showed up...

Mom makes the world's most delicious cinny rolls, ever! I prefer mine with nuts and raisins. I could eat them all day, every meal.

Look at the adorable hat Aunt Morgan got for K-baby!

Thumbs down, thumbs down....I can't remember what Chris was disagreeing with, but it had something to do with the way bacon was cooked....or syrup was warmed or something. I can't remember.

Bryce and Scott--best buds forever!

Jenn and I were trying to get Luke to smile for the camera; I obviously gave up sooner than Jenn.

Aren't Dad and Ricky so handsome?

Shane and Colleen--they look like they're a couple. Awwwwkwaaaard!

Speaking of awkward....Kavella and Dalin watching t.v.

Ricky and Morgan celebrated their 1 year anniversary while in OK and they invited us to join them for dinner! Yes, I DID sit between them on both the ride to and from the restaurant--just to keep things "PG" and all. I love spending time with my family and I'm suuuurrree they love me, too. Ha, ha!

Ok, I took a picture of this FHE moment because EVERYONE in the entire room was tuned into Mom's lesson....until she started "singing" a rendition of "Hallelujah," asking each of us to join in. The only problem was that NOBODY knew which song she was singing, so she remained the only voice in her very own rendition of the song. FHE went straight downhill after that because we couldn't stop laughing.

Morgan, Bean and me.

Our neighborhood has been prone to flooding, so a retaining pond was recently built to solve the problem. It attracts geese and ducks, so we loaded ourselves up in the trailer (totally legal in OK) and headed down to feed them. Unfortunately, there weren't any there when we went.

Dustin had to stay in CA and work until just before Christmas, so Kavella enjoyed chatting with him in the evenings. The sweetest dad and daughter duo....ever.

1 comment:

Beaners said...

Oh the joys of last year's Christmas!! It was seriously the most fun ever!! Dex is brand spankin new, and now he's so big! It's so crazy how fast time goes by! Pretty soon Rylee will be older and bigger too! Time goes by way to fast, I wish she'd stay sweet and small for longer! I LOVE our family!! I'm so blessed to have been born into our family! Grant is straight up molesting K in like every pic! It's great! Did you see him and Ricky molesting Ry in the video chat this last Thursday? Poor girl has beard burn from all their kissing! I think Chris may have been thumbs downing the tacos. He likes raw tortillas best, rather than corn tortillas, and Mom's making tacos, so maybe that's it... Dad and Ricky are very handsome! And hey, maybe me and Shane are an awkward couple... But seriously, K and Dal's pic is a lot worse. He's getting a little too old to have K sit on him like that... haha! I love that you kept things PG on the way to the restaurant, they get a little to PG-13 sometimes. And I know it's on purpose because as they're making out in front of me, Ricky's staring at me the whole time, it's gross and awkward and funny. OK, that was seriously the best FHE in the world! Mom starts singing Angel's we have heard on high or whatever it was, the Hallelujah part, and we have no idea what she's singing because she was so off tune, and then when we realize we can literally not stop laughing. I felt bad because I knew that no matter what, I would not be able to stop laughing. And then everytime I looked at you, it started all up again! Poor Mom :) Love the pics! That was a great Christmas! You should come to Utah this Christmas, because all of us and Mom and Dad and Ricky, Morgan (their new baby), and Grant will be here :) Love you!