Monday, August 15, 2011

Baby Boy Shower!

I can't believe this is the last pregnant photo I took before our baby boy arrived! I still had two weeks to go, but you get the idea; large and in charge. With Kavella, I never got stretch marks, even though I gained 53 lbs. With our baby boy, however, I saw/felt the stretch marks coming in at around 7 bummed me out. Not that I will EVER wear anything that shows my stomach again, but it was still a disappointment to watch my body change so drastically. I only gained some (give or take) 40 lbs, but I started out 15 lbs heavier than I was with my first, so perhaps that had an impact on my body. Another change that I have a difficult time dealing with is my eyelashes--they are extremely thin and don't grow uniformly anymore. It sounds like I'm just griping a lot....yeah, I am. I'm just trying to memorialize a few of the sacrifices a mother goes through on behalf of her children! Aren't I such a champ?

38 weeks pregnant with our baby boy!!

My sweet sisters-in-law (Deina and Darci), mother-in-law (Eloise) and niece (Cassidy) threw me a baby shower! They are all such natural decorators, so everything came together flawlessly! I LOVED the color, decorations and details that were put into making it special. I felt so much love and appreciate all their effort. Seriously, I am so thankful for my in-laws. Some, okay most, people have complaints about their in-laws, whereas, I honestly do not! They are just normal, fun, selfless people that I'm glad to call family! Love you guys!

Deina made this little plaque, which I still use in my home. Cute, huh?

Cassidy was in charge of greeting guests and passing out "baby" ice water...let me explain...

Oh, wait, these are the bird's nests....see how everything is so shabby chic and comes together so nicely? Speaking of chic, back to the "baby" ice...or "dead babies" as they were called...

Why, yes, that is a miniature baby who has been frozen into a piece of ice! Slightly creepy, but it was a fun game--the first guest to have their "water break" (aka ice melt) won a prize!

My girls! Doesn't it look like we totally coordinated outfits?

Beth and Colton, Ginger, Stephanie and Tamara.

Taylor, Chante, me and Melody/Corban.

(L-R clockwise) Kristy, Eloise, Jackie, Deina, Darci, Cassidy, Hanne and Megan (Brooke is in the back left). It was so nice to have everyone and I'm thankful for all the gifts and love!

Alllllriggghhhht, this is pretty big news--after 30 years, I FINALLY got a pedicure! It was a pretty glorious experience and I'm almost positive that this procedure will be moving from the "luxury" category to the "maintenance" category! I can see why women love to pamper themselves like this--the manicurists massage your feet, exfoliate your heels, trim your nails, paint them--all while you sit in a massaging chair. Not bad, huh?

It was especially fun to do it with the ladies! Since we were all spread out, I had to basically yell to communicate with them, so I'm sure the entire salon just LOVED hearing our interesting conversations!

Can you guess who owns which feet? Dangit, my stupid crooked toe gives me away...It's not my fault that Dr. Radovic doesn't know how to do surgery--I should have sued. ;)

The most attentive, loving, patient, fun, caring father in the world gets an entire baking pan of snickerdoodles for Father's Day. Oh, and he gets a picture frame decorated by his baby girl. Don't worry, it bugs me too that there are 7 red balls on the left side and 8 red balls on the right--that's what you get for "free-handing" the letters. Ugh. Love you Dustin!


JS said...

I am so sad I missed it. I got the low down from Jackie though! Looks like lots of fun. You SIL know how to throw a party!

Beaners said...

I'm pretty sure I haven't laughed so hard all day! This was a great post! I LOVED the dead baby ice, it cracked me up! And seriously, it looked like there was a fake, ginormous bump on the front of your tiny little body with your tiny little legs! Love you!