Tuesday, February 5, 2013

White Trash...for Now...

And you thought the front view of his head was large...sorry kid.

Good morning to the two snubbliest, cutest babies in the world!  

Yes, I had ANOTHER kidney stone (and took a picture to share with you).  Pretty sure that they're directly related to my Dr. Pepper consumption.  You'd think that would be motivation enough to quit drinking, but alas, my constitution is weak in this arena...I mean, have you tasted the sweet nectar called Dr. Pepper?!  

Try to blur out the white-trash background and focus on the beautiful, sweet girls having a movie and picnic day!  We bought a 'fixer-upper' in the truest sense of the word, ok?  It's a process to kill 4-foot-tall weeds in order to grow grass....I don't know what to say about the tarp, garbage can and multiple wires...

No, that's certainly not a blanket serving as curtains, either!  Dude, we JUST moved in; don't judge!  Ha, ha.  Look at those sweet, little princesses!  

Annie accidentally touched Curren's leg.  Ugh, boys are, like, so immature. 

Let's hope the paint on this crib is not lead-based....

And....THIS is why I stopped buying 'Snack Paks.'

The cool thing about cement is that it just soaks everything right up!  Eventually...

Cousin William and Kavella neck-deep in sand.

'Rally Monkey' beanies!  It's an Angel's thing.

Kavella said she didn't need a nap and that she just wanted to watch a little t.v.

That's what happens when you use paper and painting tape as blinds--eventually, it falls down onto your crawling baby...then, you don't rescue your baby, you just wait to see if he can problem-solve his way out.  Good job, baby!!  So smart...so, so smart...

I'm going to start watching movies on my laptop like that--fully open!