Thursday, June 17, 2010

Swim Time, Time, Time!

Oh, yes, we may have smiles on our faces in this picture, but that only occurred RIGHT before the flash of the camera and ended almost simultaneously to that flash. It was FREEZING! For some reason, the kids seemed impervious to the bone-chilling water while they splashed around, but I, for one, could only inch my way into the sub-zero water.....make that millimeter my way in! I sure enjoyed spending time with my girls, though!

Isn't this such a snubbly picture!? Jenn was only pretending to kick her feet in the water, but Kavella really was trying to kick her feet....and the water!

Kavella just couldn't resist the temptation to splash around! It started with just dipping her feet, but ended.....

....with nakie baby! Well, almost--we didn't want her to chafe her bum on the cement!

Here are the boys!

"I love my Grandma and Grandpa Roberts and Aunt Colleenie!"

My screen keeps saying that an error is occurring in the videos, but I just need to post this before I snap. One of these videos is Kavella showing off her somersault skills and the other is how much fun she had going down the water slide in Palm Springs! Every time she and her dad would land in the water, she'd start clapping, then get out and RUN all the way back to the slide! I hope you can see them someday.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Aren't we a cute bunch!! I saw the videos just fine and she's a babe! I love the one of Brian actually smiling...I think that's the third smile I've seen this year!