Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Poo...Not Winnie, Either.

There are no pictures to accompany this posting, for the urgency with which the following sequence of events occurred could not be slowed. As I was finishing up my lunch the other day, I heard Kavella arousing in her bedroom. In an effort to thwart any more cleaning than necessary, I decided to take an extra two minutes and finish my sandwich/drink and put my trash in the bin before retrieving her. As I gulped down the last of my Dr. Pepper, I heard her versing a lovely tale of "uh-oh's," which only had me mildly concerned. I thought perhaps she had thrown out her pacifier, dropped her blanket on the floor or knocked over a picture frame that's near her crib. "Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh" her song carried. I entered with my usual smile and "hiiiiiiiiii--" What the....."STOP! STOP! DON'T MOVE!" I instructed.

Kavella had taken it upon herself to 'change' her own diaper; a poopy diaper. She was standing at one end of the crib, bare-buns and all, whilst her diaper lay face up (filled with the goods) at the other end. In between the two was clear (or should I say brown) evidence that an interaction had occurred. First things first, I had to get that diaper outta there--and fast! As I lifted it from her arena, she instantly began chanting a new tune--"no, no, no, no,"--and reaching for the item that was rightfully hers. I know, I know, Kavella, it's very disheartening to have such a cool new discovery ripped away without explanation. Aren't I terrible?

At first, I considered moving. Just packing everything up and placing the room in quarantine. Sorry, changing table, you're included in the quarantine. Good bye rocker, you've served me well. Adios, rocking horse! Forget our deposit because I'm not going back in there! Ultimately, reality came back into focus and Kavella got an immediate bath. Subsequently, the crib, sheets, bumpers and wall got a thorough sanitizing. So, in case you were still questioning, THIS is why stay-at-home-moms wear sweats and grubby clothes. And yes, all that planning I did to keep extra cleaning at bay (by putting my lunch away before getting K) really paid off, huh?


JS said...

yikes! we had a small incident like the one you described... Merrick was asleep and in the morning when he awoke he had a wad of poop in his hands. It had been there all night. sick. sick. sick. no fun. and yest that is why I wear sweats... heck, sweats, I just don't change out of my pjs. :)

Jenn said...

While not one of my 3 children has engaged in "poop play" (wow, that just sounds wrong), there is a chance that this fourth one will engage in such disgusting, albeit fun for them, behavior. Maybe I'll just duct tape the diaper on every nap/bedtime so I can just avoid the opportunity for disaster. I applaud your hard work in cleaning. I think I would've just chucked everything and made her sleep on the floor until I could afford another bed.... Yeah.

Now you know why I never dress nicely...ever.