I prefer to eat my cinnamon rolls from the outside in, saving the middle for last! However, since Kavella showed up, I've just been chowing down through all the layers in an effort to finish it before she starts to fuss! I wonder if it has anything to do with our personalities! Okay, okay, day two of the photo shoot--these are actually my favorites! Thanks, Morgan, for the "favorites" suggestion on the last one! This first picture is kinda freaky because she looks like an actual porcelain doll, huh? For all you bored readers, just skip to the end for the question of the day!
When showering, do you wash your face first, last or sometime in the middle? I typically wash mine very last...I have a little routine...shampoo, conditioner, soap up (while the conditioner sets in), rinse, then face. See, that wasn't graphic at all, just informational! Ha, ha! Oh, and if you have a favorite picture, let me know!