Sunday, February 21, 2010

Newport and Huntington with Beanie!

I love Beanie! After our Vegas trip, she was able to come spend a few days at our home! We walked on the pier in H.B.....

Took little naps with Choco......

Went to Newport harbor to watch the ferry and boats.... Stopped to get hot cocoa and donuts beforehand.....Kavella was cruising all by her lonesome and stepped in a puddle, which turned her white socks completely black. Her shoes kept coming off, so I just let her walk around in socks. I'm a totally good mom.

She was mesmerized by the ferris wheel....

Spinning around makes us dizzy.....

We went on the boardwalk.....unfortunately, there was a rain storm heading our way, but we were able to have a little fun in the sun before it arrived!

We may or may not have color-coordinated our outfits on purpose....

Checked out the cliffs....

Took Kavella on her first bike ride! We couldn't get her helmet to stay on straight, so a majority of her time on the bike was blind. She didn't seem to mind!

Blind on Main St.

Yea! Riding with Auntie Colleenie!

It was great having Colleen here! Bean, send me a few of the cute pictures you took and I'll add them to this post! Please! Don't let me down...


Beaners said...

Hahahaha! I love it! Especially the personalized message to me at the bottom :) I'll get those sent to you! I love playing with you guys in California! Did you see my comment on that picture, about how Chris said he really misses California and wants to go back??? Yea!!! We did it!! So he said he'd like to come down every other weekend or once a month, but we just need some more money and to rent a prius...Anywho, I love the pictures! I had so much fun! I love our color-coordination and taking Kavella on her first bike ride (sorry dustin) and the harbor and everything! I have so much fun with you guys! Love you!

P.S. My security word today is "quart" that's a real word!

Jenn said...

I'm not even going to comment.... Tech slap!!