Monday, February 1, 2010

Kavella's 1st Birthday!

Sup, gurrrl?

For Christmas.....AND her birthday, Kavella received the same exact stackable puzzle. No, no, she didn't receive two of the exact same puzzle--she received one puzzle for Christmas and then I re-wrapped it and gave it to her again for her birthday! Ha, ha! That's called cheap, folks! I hope to be able to do that for at least a few more years, but I think she'll figure it out by the time she's two. We'll see...Anyway, the puzzle is made of this foamy sort of material that she just loves to chew on. I hope it wasn't made in China because she just carried it around all day grinding on it!

Aunt Beanie gave her this cuddly, pink teddy bear, which she "rocks her baby" and carries around. Thanks, Aunt Colleen!

"Here I am when I was just one day old! I've made a trip around the sun since that day! Apparently, I also stopped visiting the tanning salon."

"My grandma Roberts gave me this super delicious outfit I'm wearing, and my Daddy gave me these sparkly, blue eyes that are staring into your soul. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone what I see..."

"My Auntie Deina made this delicious wipee case! Isn't it so darling!? You can find more of her wipee cases at, the site isn't quite ready, but it will be soon!"

"Yes, I've already unwrapped these presents, too, but my Mom is so conservative that she wrapped them up again for me! And by conservative, I mean cheap."

"Ho, ho, ho! I loved my Christmas/Birthday cake! Oh, and check out the functional, cute bib the Wakehams gave me! It's like one of those bibs you wear to get your haircut, only I wouldn't know about that..."

"Mom's cool, but this cake is mhnom, nom, nom..."

"Daddy got me a seat to go on the back of Mommy's bike and a helmet! Yippie!"

"Thanks Grandma Roberts! Look at these cute flowers on my new shirt!"

"My best friend Eden got me a doll that I love to rock!"

Auntie Deina

Eden and me.

"I got to go to Disneyland with BOTH Mom and Dad on my birthday! This was the last day before they took down the huge Christmas tree, so I had to get a picture with Mom. I love my Mom. She's so sweet, caring, hard-working..." Oh, sorry, I guess I got carried away there. But I swear, Kavella came up with all that on her own!

"Pushing my stroller. Pushing my stroller. Pushing my stroller."


Ricky and Morgan came to visit for a few days after their honeymoon! We LOVED having them here! I made some Root Beer Ribs, which Ricky seemed to enjoy!

We walked on the Huntington pier...

...and went to the tide pools in Laguna Beach....

We had a great time with the newlyweds!

I love my family and am thankful for the time we spend together.


Beaners said...

Yea!! What a great post, I have so many things to say! OK, now we're going to do the usual and go through each picture that I especially enjoyed and talk about it. Ready? Go!

First of all, Kavella is so delicious! I love her so much! I love that she loves the teddy I gave her. It's like she's carrying auntie coweenie around :) hahaha

I love that you are a cheap parent, it's awesome! And I don't think she'll notice for another year or so. I mean, she might just be like "Mom, I don't play with foam puzzle anymore! I'm 2!!" But other than that I think you'll be good.

Tanning salon comment, HIlarious!! Seriously though Kavella, you're so milky white now! I love it!

Also, next comment about her staring into our souls, also priceless. I had to tell and show my friends these pictures and comments because of how funny I thought they were. I'm pretty sure that they thought they were funny too, but maybe not as much as me :) She does have the most beautiful eyes though!

Deina's wipey container is sooo cute! I hope you think to get one for me when I have a baby.

Goo! Who's that boy eating green icing with a cherry plastic suit on?? HAhahahahaha, just kidding!!! I love it!! I'm so glad that she ate the cake and got it all over her! "Nom, nom, nom!!" So much like her two moms when it comes to anyn type of food, but especially chili's and artichoke dip :)

Yea for helmets and bike rides! That bike ride was so fun! Sorry that I took her on her FIRST bike ride Dustin, really, I am. Kelly made me do it.

Hahaha, I love the little tangent you go on, I mean Kavella goes on about you! Hahaha, and I love that picture too! Soo cute!

Push the stroller.
Push the stroller with the dog in it in your socks that are black from bacteria infested water and asphalt. :)

Mmm, I want me some baby back, baby back, baby back...root beer ribs.

I love the tide pools! Next time, we'll definitely have to go! :) It's cool that you guys picked up the creatures and star fish and stuff!

Well, call me later! I love you! Great post! :)

Jenn said...

I LOVE the picture of her trying to lick her, you're depriving, give it to me. Fine, I'll just try moving my head and tongue towards it.

And what the heck is growing out of her head in those first few pictures?? ;)

I need to know how to make one of those wipe covers! They are so cute! Kavella, if I was there, I would've eaten you and the cake!

Morgan said...

I love ALL your new pictures Kell!! Kavella is just the cutest!!! I LOVE her. I love her huge smile in front of the Disney Land Christmas tree. I'm sad we weren't able to stay longer and go with you guys. I love all those pictures at the tide pools, they're just great. And you look just beautiful in EVERY one. We miss you guys like CRAZY!! Can't wait to see you again. We're doing awesome. We love our new little apartment. And are just having a blast being married. It's been super fun. Love you tons and tons!!!