Sunday, June 5, 2011

Just for Kavella to Read When She's Older...

Oh, my baby. She is such a lovely, snuggly, funny girl! She is extremely sociable--she says hello to strangers, always wants to be "part of the action" and never passes up an opportunity to play with other children. She shares well and tries to be nice to other people. She is quick to say "howwy (sorry)" when she has offended--it's hard to discipline your child when they actually feel remorse and say "howwy" and "done crying." I mean, how can I stay mad when she says that and hugs me? When someone is sad, she puckers her lips to give them a kiss to make them feel better. Afterward, she says, "happy now?" When she sees someone fall, drop something or look sad, she says, "help?" If someone (including herself) spills something, she sings, "clean (keen) up, clean (keen) up, everybody, everywhere!"

She sings all the time--her favorite songs are "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider," "I'm So Glad When Daddy Comes Home," and Eminem/Dr. Dre's "Call Me a Doctor" song. If you're unfamiliar with that last one, please look it up and listen to it; "I need a docker (doctor), call me a docker (doctor) bring me back to life!" She has the chorus DOWN and she just belts it out! It is ridiculously cute! Of course, anytime her favorite cartoons are on, she can sing each theme song perfectly--Olivia, Dora, Wonder Pets, Yo Gabba Gabba, Blue's Clues, etc. Perhaps she watches too much t.v.....Kavella also sings along with her favorite rides at Disneyland--Pirates, Tiki Room and Small World. Each song is accompanied by dancing, hand gestures and animated facial expressions. She'll close her eyes and swing her head back and forth...Stevie Wonder-like! It's hilarious to me!

She loves to scare her Dad when he comes home. She hides behind the front door and jumps out when he walks in. Instead of yelling "boo," she yells, "boom!" Speaking of her Dad, I probably hear, "Daddy? Home?" 6,329 times a day. Plus, every time we meet up with him (not at home) she hugs him and says, "Daddy. Home!" She LOVES her Dad--rightfully so! He's the best! He kills all "piders (spiders)" for her and puts "bannans (band-aids) and messin (medicine)" on all her ouchies. Only Dad can "fit (fix)" things--anytime I try to help, she says, "Top (stop) it Mom! Top (stop) it."

One of her favorite phrases, as of late, is "awwww dude!" So, when she can't get her boots on, she says, "awww dude," and when she runs into the couch or table, it's "awwww dude," and when she tries to buckle her own seatbelt (unsuccessfully), it's "awww dude!" I'll have to include a video of that. Dustin took it on his iphone, so it's not that good, but you'll get the picture!

Another one of her favorite phrases is "comin'!" When she loses her grip on the shopping cart, she'll run toward it saying, "comin' Mom!" When we go to meet her friends on the beach, she says, "comin' Merrick! Comin' Eden!" the entire length of the beach...until we get to them. When we're on a bike ride with Daddy, she'll continually look behind and ask, "comin' Daddy? Comin'?"

One day I was on the phone and mentioned that I had a baby shower to attend that evening. Kavella said, "baby shower? No, baby bath. Bubble bath." It was sweet. On the bath note, any time Dust is home during her baths, she loves to blow bubbles and make bubble beards with him. Oh, and she likes to float on her back for him.

Instead of saying "yes," Kavella says "yum."

Now that I'm 7 months pregnant, my belly button pokes out. Kavella saw it poking out and said, "ohhhh noooo! Docker (doctor) fit (fix) it, Mom? Fit (fix) bellybutton?" Also, I asked her where the baby was and she pointed to my belly. Without prompting, she pointed to my heart and said, "heart." "Oh, my child is just so smart," I was thinking. Then, she pointed to my bosoms and said, "boob." Yup, that's my girl.

Kavella can say prayers all by herself! She loves to bless her cousins, friends, food, dog and parents. She recognized Jesus in pictures and likes to read the scriptures. She calls the Book of Mormon the "Book of Morgan." It's sweet.

I love you, Kavella! You mean more to me than anything. I feel so blessed to have you as a daughter. You bring such a sweet feeling to our family and I am thankful for your cheerful countenance. I will love you always--NO MATTER WHAT! You teach me kindness, love, joy and curiosity. You make my heart MELT with your cuteness and Christ-like actions. I love, love, love you, Kavella!


Matt and Mel Odell said...

That is so sweet, when Kavella get older I hope she knows her auntie Mel loved her too.

Jenn said...

She is a sweet. tasty (can't believe I just typed that), and beautiful babe. I didn't know Morgan had a book named after her. Awesome!