Monday, March 1, 2010

Valentine's Day Love!

Our Valentine! On Valentine's Day, we went with Colleen and Chris to Laguna Beach in order to check out the tide pools. The traffic was terrible, but once we got down there, it was really nice! We saw sea urchins, anenomes, starfish and waves! Granny Morrison gave Kavella that uber-delicious Valentine's Day dress! Isn't is ridiculously cute!? Thanks Granny!

A sweet picture of Daddy and, a nice view of a Mica watch!

Guujjhh--Look at the size of my arm! If only my calves were that big....I love you, Sister!

The waves were pretty big that day--we had to stay away from the edges of the rock--otherwise, we'd have ended up soaked like Colleen and Chris!

Choco Cinco got to come with us! He turned 4-years-old on Feb. 25th! He's such a smart, well-behaved pup! We're glad he's with our family!

We warned Kavella not to suck all the helium from her balloon before this picture...oh, well, here are the consequences of poor choices...I hope she learned her lesson. JK, folks!

Our family on Valentine's Day! I LOVE my family and am thankful for how much fun they are, how easy-going everyone is and how much joy they bring to my life! XOXOXOXO

Not that I need to convince ANYONE of Dustin's positive qualities, but I have to tell you how sweet he was on Valentine's Day! Since it landed on a Sunday, Dustin took me out to Olive Garden (with Colleen/Chris) Saturday night, which was tasty! We even got calamari! Some people think O.G. is crappy food, but I seem to quite enjoy some breadsticks, salad and fettuccini alfredo! Sunday morning, Dustin surprised everyone by making Belgian waffles with home-made whip cream and fresh strawberries! Is that so sweet, or what? It was really delicious! Plus, he framed a picture of Kavella and me! Wait, there's more.....

I got my first sewing machine!! I've already sewed a little blanket for our new nephew Jared (Shane's baby), but I still need to put some finishing touches on it! I got a bit tripped up at first (threading the bobbin), but now I'm getting better and better! My friend Chante is going to teach me a few things, too! Thanks, Dustin, for the wonderful Valentine's Day!! I LOVE you the most in the whole world!

While Kavella napped, Colleen and I got to do a little shopping on Main St.! Beanie let me drive her jeep (without the top on) down there, which made it feel like "summertime, when the livin's easy...." Beanie scored--she got some new shirts and accessories--isn't her shirt cute? Yes, we all wore red on purpose....pretty sure I wore that red sweater for three days in a row--with a wash in the middle.

There was a bunch of crap on the sand (from the storm earlier in the week), but we didn't mind!

It was fun having a cold-pizza picnic on the beach! I love when my family is here!


Jenn said...

Okay, Kavella is so...yummy in that darling red dress!! And your arm...were you stung by a bee? ;) Glad you had such a great Valentine's...Colleen, are you not speaking to me anymore??

Beaners said...

Jennifer? What are you talking about? Why would I not be talking to you anymore? Sorry if I haven't called in a while, I swear to everyone that this semester truly sucks. I love the pics! I just uploaded mine to my computer today, it was sooo much fun! I can't wait to come back someday, hopefully soon!! Kavella seriously is delicious! I miss her!! The pic of all of us after the tide pools is hilarious! Kavella was like "whoaaaaa!" Haha, love it! Your eyes look gorgeous in the big arm picture!! Beeeeeutiful!! Thanks for snapping a cute pic of chris and me! The one with us holding hands from behind. Anywho, love it! miss you!

Anonymous said...

That was so fun! Look how pretty Colleenie's eyes look in the "big-arm" picture! They look like chocolate pools of goodness! Jenn, we're trying to get out there soon!! Love you guys! -Kel

Dixons said...

SO fun to see pics of your cute little one! She is beautiful! The last time I saw her, she was in your tummy, so i guess I didn't really "see" her. Details, details! Miss you guys!