Tuesday, March 16, 2010

February Beach Day!

On the day that Colleen and Chris left, the weather proved unseasonably warm, so we met Chante and Adam in Newport for surfing and playing! Merrick and Kavella went straight to building a sand castle.

Eden girl!

Adam and Dustin went straight to surfing!

Chante and I went straight to parenting. It was a fun day!

I don't typically write ABOVE photos, but I want you to understand what is happening in the next two pictures--Kavella's first taste of chocolate shake. It's all quite routine drinking-from-a-straw-business at first....."yeah, yeah, Dad, I know how to drink from a straaaaa....ahhh...ahhhhh, that's so good..."

"That's the best stuff, ever! What's this water junk you've been giving me?! Chocolate shake is tasty goodness!"

Poppy and Granny took Kavella to Ruby's while they were in town! Isn't Poppy so handsome?

"I love my Granny and Poppy! Now you know from whom I get my beautiful, blue eyes!"

This is where I put Kavella when she is naughty. "To the shoebox!" says I.

"Corban came for a visit, but I was playing hard to get. Worked like a charm--he totally called me later!"

Check out the exquisite velour suit she's wearing! I got it for $5.00! Five dollar foot long. Okay, I don't know which marketing exec. approved that little jingle--am I the only one who feels uncomfortable watching Subway commercials with the opposite sex? Anywho, just enlarge this photo and tell me you don't want to take a little bite out of her when she's wearing these cozies. No, you can't because you do.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!! Kids trying to blow is funny!

Vacuuming....with the whole family!


Jenn said...

OH MY GOODNESS!! I just want to...eat(?) her!!

Beaners said...

Yea! I love Kavella!! She is the cutest, most scrumdidilyumptious, sweetest baby you have ever made!! (I don't wanna hurt any feelings here) I love all the pictures!! The video is hilarious!! It makes me want to ride a vacuum! I love the pic of her trying to blow, she looks like granny Eloise even more! :) And OH MY GOSH! Can I please tell you how much I love the baby velour suit!! I didn't know they made them that small! I hope that you guys wear them together, on the same day, so that you can match! You wear your black one with a maroon bow and kavella will wear her maroon one with a black bow! Perfect! Hahaha! But seriously! YOu should take some awkward family photos of that and post them! I also love all your comments! I seriously LOL, LAUGH OUT LOUD, and I'm not just saying that cause I have nothing else to say, I'm saying that in the most literal sense possible. I keep bugging my friends and telling them to look and read, but I don't think that they're as amused as I am. They just don't understand. But can I tell you that yes, I do feel uncomfortable watching that commercial with the opposite sex in the room. Who came up with that??? So Corban in coming after K-baby pretty bad huh? Well, she's a heart breaker! He is delicious too! Also Kel, could you tell Kavella next time she's in time out that she shouldn't spread-leg the camera? It's not very lady like! ;) OK, I could not stop laughing when I was looking at the chocolate shake pictures!! She was SOOO excited and happy to have that shake! She is so cute!! I'm so mad that we left that day!! Ugh!! I wish we could've played and soaked up the sun for one more day! Hopefully we can again soon! Love you!

Jenn said...

Talking about awkward family photos...check out, you'll have to email me so I don't offend any one.