Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"Cutie Patootie"

As the mother of Kavella, I'm allowed to be obsessed with her. I know, I know, first time parents are quite annoying with their "my kid this and my kid that," but I feel like I need to be a part of that behavior due to the fact that my daughter really IS beautiful, sweet, delicious, scrumptious and a "cutie patootie" (thanks for the reminder of that one Seren!)! Oh, you see what I did there? Yeah, yet another post all about my munchkin! I mean, look how delectable she is in that picture (above)--it's like she knew I was taking her picture! I love you, Kavella baby! XOXOXO

Eating at our favorite rib place (Newport Rib. Co.) with Granny and Poppy!!

Taking a little snooze on the beach. It was a little foggy, but it was still pretty warm! I think the waves help her relax. I love when she falls asleep, which allows me the opportunity to read a bit (33 minutes to be exact)! I'm reading two books right now (well, for the last three months, actually!)--A Tale of Two Cities and Lost at Sea. One is a paperback and the other is on my ipod touch! Can you believe what we can do with technology these days? I mean, I have 200+ books in that little device and there is still TONS of room for music, games, tools and social network applications! Amazing! What is your favorite app? Answer in the comment section!
See, even though it was foggy, the sun still hurt my eyes! I love this man! Dust got to paddle around for a while...he's such a good surfer!

Sandy, ruffle bum!

Baby boobies! Ka-vella! Pull your dress up! Wait, that doesn't right....

I had to rearrange my entire living room since she's been cruising. This is the new stand that our VCR and DVD's go on....let's see how long it takes her to pull it all down!

Who knows what that face is....oh, yeah, we were in the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland and she couldn't tell that the camera was facing her! Surprise!

Yes, yes, don't even point out my ginormus looks extra large for some reason. I can't help it, dangit! Just focus on tootie pants deliciousness!

Her fascination with the sand keeps her entertained for several me, that's a long time in her book!

Daddy took us on a date to the Olive Garden! What with her Spanish-style poncho, we should've gone to El Ranchito, huh? Even though people say how cheap the food at O.G. is, I just love their breadsticks dipped in Alfredo sauce! Oh, and their salad is tasty, too! So there, I like the Olive Garden! Is that such a crime, you snobs?

So, returning from Disneyland one evening, Melody and I turned around to catch Corban and Kavella holding hands! Lovely! Hmmm, if this is what she's sneaking around doing at 9 months, what exactly can I expect at 16 years? JK. I don't need to hear any "karma" comments.....

"A Bug's Life"

Melody and I spending some time with "Flik" and the millions of other bugs in the world! Mel is such a sweet friend! I'm so grateful she lives down the street and we can spend time being moms together!

Look at those pools of blue! Thanks, Auntie Darci, for the cute dress!


Morgan said...

O my goodness, I sure miss that yummy Baby Girl! It was SO much fun to see you two. I can't to see you all again soon. Give Kavella and the Buddy lots of kisses for us. Hope you have an awesome week Kelly. Love you

Beaners said...

Yea!! I mean it's only been a month since your last post! Sheesh! And yes, I am the one to talk! Kavella is so rediculously scrupmtious!! I love the first picture, sooo cute! Mmmm, I wish I was eating ribs! Oh wait, I'm poor, dang it! My favorite app is... I'm not sure, it changes everytime they put new apps out. I do love 20 questions and oregon trail though, great games! I love ruffle bum! My kids will have ruffle ruggles bums, hehe, see what I did there? replaced the f's with g's and spelled my last name?? Yeah, that's right. I wanna go to Disneyland now!!! I bet that sand tastes so good Kavella, I bet you and your dad, whoa! I mean mom (sorry, I was just looking at the hand in the picture) are having a great time! Aww, Corbin and Kavella sitting in a tree...
As if you didn't already have bug eyes Kel, you go and put some real ones on :) JK, you have the prettiest eyes besides Kavella. And yes, I just wanna jump inside those pools of blue! They're so pretty! Love you!!!

PS It gives me the sads that I might not be able to see you for Thanksgiving, I'll keep you posted though! :)

Anonymous said...

Kavella is ALWAYS ready for a picture it seems!! Cutie-pa-tootie is right! My favorite app is - yes - you guessed it - my appetite!
Love, Mom

Jenn said...

I love pictures of Kavella!! I was gonna say some funny things, but that was like 4 hours ago before play group...I don't remember them now.

Jenn said...

I just read Colleen's comment and she said it all...eyes, hands, cutie tootie tater-tottie's sandy cheeks. Amen Colleen (except the misspelling of ridiculously). That was for you Colleen!!

Anonymous said...

How about the word "scrumptious?" - Funny how the eye sort of automatically corrects it until more carefully scrutinized.
Love, Mom

Beaners said...

Yeah, well if you guys left comments as long as mine, and you only have a certain amount of time to write it at work, you might make a few mistakes too! So don't even come all up in here telling me all the words I misspelled! I can spell scrumptious and ridiculously, I was just in a ridiculously scrumptious hurry!

Jenn said...

Hahaha! Colleen, I love you!!

Matt and Melody Odell said...

She is ridiculously good-looking, but what would you expect, look at her mom. We are so glad you guys moved by us in HB, it really was kind of you to find a place in our ward so we could hang out!

eli&joelynn said...

what a babe!! I love that you are so in love with her!