Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Halloweenish Stuff

Kavella and I were up in Park City for Halloween, so she got to spend it with her Uncle Chris and Aunt Colleenie Bean! In case you can't tell, Colleen is dressed as a Texas Longhorn and Chris is an Oklahoma Sooner who is murdering her. Kavella thinks it's hilarious! We let her gnaw on Chris' machete all evening....is that morbid....or genius?

Chris. That's all I can say. Wait, I can also say that this is the most amount of his eyes I've ever seen.

I love my little strawberry! She didn't actually go trick-or-treating, but she did eat at a tasty, cheap Mexican restaurant with her aunts and uncles!

Thanks Auntie Deina for hooking Kbaby up with the outfit!

Doesn't she look delectable? Those of you with kids, what were they this year?

Last one, I swear....it's just....well, you know what I'm saying!

One day, as I was driving to Disneyland, I noticed one of those huge air-filled bouncy things. Curious, my friend Mel and I drove to it and found a little pumpkin patch with a bunch of those blow-up bouncy/slide things. It was kinda small. Let's just say, it was in the mall parking lot--stupid Californians--so, it wasn't the best patch we could've visited, but it turned out to be quite enjoyable! Plus, there were only a couple other families there, so we got to do basically whatever we wanted! Above, thinking it was going to be chilly, I dressed Kavella in long sleeves, stockings and her Uggs. It was 83 degrees. Stupid, Mom, stupid! She's just a sugary doll!

Mel, scarecrow, me.

What with all the ghost comparisons of her skin, we decided to make it official. "White and delightsome."

Isn't Corban the cutest cowboy you've ever seen!? He invited her to take a little ride in his wagon--she acted like a lady and made sure he dropped her off before midnight!

I mean, how stinking edible are they? It makes me want to buy a wagon. My sister, Jenn, has the best wagon ever--it's got these HUGE wheels on it, plus a canopy! I used to tote Dalin all over the place in that. Then, I'd make him pull me. He was two, but he was strong!

This is going to surprise you, but I truly love being a mom! Kavella started clapping and waving recently, and almost instantaneously, I became one of those annoying parents who is like, "Bye! Wave bye-bye!" And then, in the interim between waving and leaving, I basically make it so uncomfortable for whomever we're leaving that they end up falling victim to our silly game and waving. Ah, I love being a first-time parent!

Look how happy and sweet they are!

I was actually running past this checkered-flag finish line. Not really.

These were the Halloween cupcakes I made for all of our neighbors, sans Tip and Terry. If any of you know Tip and Terry, you'd understand why they were'nt afforded any. Matt and Mel know what I'm talking about. So does Eloise and my Mom. The rest of you can just imagine a super eccentric brother-sister duo that is obsessive, particular, entitled and selfish. Now, that wasn't in the Halloween spirit, was it? Well, at least their quiet....quiet like little mice. Mice nibbling on bread crumbs. Happy Halloween!


Morgan said...

Mmmm, what a delcious little strawberry Kavella is!!! Kavella looks so stinking cute in the pics of her on the couch. Miss you guy so dang much. I sure can't wait to see you for the wedding, then in CA too. Love you Kelly!

Jenn said...

We do have an awesome wagon don't we?!

Chris, I must say, it's disturbing to see a machete against my sister's throat. If she ever dies by machete, I'll know where to go....

What's up with the cupcakes?? I mean Tip and Terry?

By the way, G.I. Joe was suck-o. I was quite disappointed in the graphics, casting (a Wayans brother, seriously?) and plot (it was slow as molasses. I did like the ninja guys. And the BEST part of the whole thing? We borrowed it from a friend. No wasted money on a rental...although a lot of wasted time watching it.

JS said...

I LOVE Kavella's Halloween Costume. It is SOO cute! Looks like October was good to you!

Beaners said...

Yea!!!! I love this post!! It's so funny and cute and delicious! Let's start at the beginning, shall we?

Park Ciry Trip=Best thing ever!! I so needed that little break from life, and I'm soo happy that you came down and we got to play! Halloween was so fun huh? Pretty good costumes huh? I thought of them on my way home Saturday morning, and voila! It was done!

Jenn, if I do die by having my throat slit, which would really suck, be sure to question Chris! Don't let him get away! :)

Isn't my husband soo cute! Look at those big chocolately eyes that noone ever gets to see! There they are!!

Kavella was so scrumptious! I took a bite out of her, but didn't tell anybody. How was I supposed to resist! She's the tastiest looking strawberry I've ever seen!!

Love the pumpkin patch! So cute! Kavella is a cute, white and delightsome ghost! And can I just tell you about how I want to eat Corbin's cheeks? i'm pretty sure those are the chubbiest, cutest cheeks I've ever seen! I can't wait for him and Kavella to get married someday!! :)

Those cupcakes look DeeeeeLish!!! You are such a good little wife, mom, and neighbor!! I'm so proud of you! Now if only you had brought me a cupcake....skank.

Well, let's chat on you know what :) Love you!!!

Jenn said...

Oh yeah...I always thought Chris had black eyes...of course, I never did see them open like this. ;)

And I'm stealing Kavella's Halloween costume for next year. Wait, wait. Let's just have them both be strawberries and they can be part of a strawberry patch...bed? Fertile ground? ...that sounds way worse out of my head.

Beaners said...

Yeah Jenn, what the crap? You want your kids to be put in a strawberry patch of manure? You're sick. Hahahaha, but they would both look cute as strawberries :)

And yes, Chris has beautiful brown eyes, however they do look black unless struck with direct light, which is quite rare.

Beaners said...

Cute background!

Matt and Melody Odell said...

How did I miss this post! We had so much fun at the Pumpkin Patch with you guys, and I was so glad I could carnie it up and sneak in the bounce house with my little man.