Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Tooth, Finally!

The delays in Kavella's crown and chompers has taken a positive turn--she has a tooth!! Although still completely bald, she is surging ahead in the oral department, what with a single tooth breaking through! She loves to "tongue" it, if you will, which is manifested by the fact that she walks around all day with her tongue sticking out! With her tooth comes the apparent ability to mock her mother's speaking--she does this fake talk where she moves her mouth like shes conversing, but she fails to make any coherent words. She usually does this when I'm on the phone.

Other things she's doing (yes, I can talk all about my kid because it's my blog that serves as a journal, too)--waving and clapping! I may have mentioned that before, but I just want to make sure I document her skills! When her Dad leaves in the morning, she waves "bye bye" to him!
Oh! The other day during her bath, she discovered her baby nipples! Subsequent to that discovery was the earnest attempt to remove them! She spent her entire bath "plucking" at her nips. I couldn't stop laughing!

On a totally unrelated note, let's talk about Thanksgiving this year. First, Colleen and Chris were supposed to come down to join us, but Chris lost his job and just started a new one yesterday, so they couldn't make it. Bean and I were going to forge the uncharted territory of turkey, stuffing, crancrap, beans and fixings making, but that didn't pan out.....Next, we were invited to join Dan and LesLey at their home, which would have been grand because LesLey knows how to cook tasty food, but their family came down with the swine flu this week....Last, we were just going to have Uncle Josh over for a rogue T-day dinner (steaks instead of turkey bc it's better), but he's heading up to Utah.....So, here we are all alone. Checking the weather, we discovered that it's going to be almost 80 that day! We decided to spend a relaxing day at the beach and eat at Duke's on the pier. It should be a great Thanksgiving!

Check out the babe when her favorite show (The Backyardigans) comes on...although, "The Wiggles" is vying for the "favorite" spot....


Beaners said...

A tooth??? Yea!!!! Go Kavella! This was like the funniest thing I've read all day, especially the part about the baby nips, hilarious! Well, tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I should be enjoying 80 degree weather and a day at the beach, but no, I'll be scrapping ice off my car and preparing for the snow this weekend. Disgusting. I miss you guys!! I wish I could have been there!! But we're very grateful for Chris' job, and so I shouldn't complain. The video was soo cute! I'm glad you finally figured out how to attach those things! :) Kavella is so cute, just dancin around and walking all over the place! I knew she'd grow up drastically 2 weeks after she left us, lame!! I wanted to see it! But I guess it's only fair that her dad be there for some of her "firsts" too, since I was tehre on her first father's day and snow and halloween :) Well, hope everything is good! I love you! Call you tomorrow!

Jenn said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the video!!!! And the nipple plucking is hilarious!