Sunday, November 15, 2009

Walkin 'n Singin 'n Clappin

Kavella Bella is walking! Although I couldn't figure out how to download the best video to demonstrate her new talent, I did manage to post a couple of videos at the end! It is so fun to watch her practice her balance and coordination. During church today, she was walking ALL OVER the cultural hall with her friends! She seems to love being with her friends and loves keeping up with them even more!

Along with walking, Kavella is learning how to sing! Even though she only has one note, it is a pretty note! When Kavella hears ANY music/rhythm of any sort--on a commercial, on the radio, at D-land, hummed, clapped, clucked, rapped, etc.--she starts dancing, moving and singing along! Perhaps she'll be like her Grandma Roberts and play the piano or her Poppy Morrison and play....well, any instrument you can name...or like her Auntie Deina and sing! That will be my next video--her dancing!

Bathing is always an enjoyable time! Especially when you get wrapped in a nice, big, cozy towel like the one my talented friend Autie made!

Dustin had to work yesterday (Saturday), so Kavella and I met him at the Irvine Spectrum for dinner! She was just staring at the ferris wheel! After this picture, I literally took a bite out of her cheek. It was tasty delicious.

Riding the "Teacups!" Clockwise from bottom left: Kavella's eyes, Kelly, Chante, Eden and Merrick.

Check out my pretty, white shoes that Granny gave me!

We got to meet Steve, Katie and their kids (Kylie and Teagan) at D-land for dinner! My Monte Cristo was ridiculously tasty! A fried, hammy sandwich of goodness to dip in berry sauce. I've been craving it since. We were happy to spend time with the Johnsons--they're a terrific family and we're thankful to have them as friends!

Kavella has a little crush on Merrick. When he is around, I notice she laughs more, shows off her talents more and quite literally hangs all over him! Ha, ha! He is so sweet to her--his funny faces make her smile!

Eden is Kavella's best girlfriend! Isn't Eden a cutie pie!? She's a little "Gap baby"--picture perfect!

Walking all by herself!

Here are a couple videos...we'll work on getting better ones:


Beaners said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!! That was the cutest thing that I have ever seen! Go Kavella!!!!! I'm so jealous that she's walking all by herself just 2 weeks after you guys left!! I wanna be there and play with her!!! And her laugh in those videos was unexplainably cute!!! I love it!!! (and I don't care if 'unexplainably' is not a word!) I love her little jeans with that little pink ribbon belt!! So cute! And her little white and red outfit, precious! I especially love your camera work in the picture that just has K-baby's eyes, good job!! ;) And her eyes are so pretty in the first pic! I love her so much!! Miss you guys!! Love you!

Jenn said...

If people still don't want to have a baby after watching that...they are CRAZY!! That was the cutest thing ever!! And I want to just kiss those chubby cheeks all day! I can't wait to see you guys in December.

Morgan said...

Kavella is so FREAKING cute Kelly! I love how excited she got after walking in those videos. I can't believe she's walking! She's going to have that down when we see you in a month! I LOVE that yummy little girl, mmmmm! That little laugh is just the BEST.

Anonymous said...

Kavella's quite the little poser in her new white shoes! What a great picture. I loved the way she totally dissed you and made a bee-line for Dustin in her walking video. Even though she only has one note in her repertoire, at least she was perfectly in tune. Not so much when you kicked it up a register; but hey - time will tell. Maybe she'll like having voice lessons a little more than you did. :) Love, Mom