Thursday, April 7, 2011

Kauai (Nov.-Dec. 2010)

Kauai! Hawaii is most beautiful and I love being there with my family!

Our flight over proved quite nice--we had the only extra open seat on the plane, so it was much easier to keep Kavella corralled in between us. This was her last free flight. It's going to stink having to pay for another seat--it's already so expensive to fly!

Not a posed picture. K was having a difficult time sleeping in the bathroom--what? That's where we put the pack-n-play in order to get some of our own zzzzz's--so Dust let her crash in his bed. What a sweet daddy!

This will be the first of 4, 623 photos featuring Kavella and Dustin. I was just SOOOOO sick (thank you baby numero dos) that the most I could do was lay there, take pictures and try not to puke. Yes, I'm sure I was most enjoyable to be on vacation with.

The West Siiiiiidddee called for us. It was sunny and warm on that side, so that's where we went!

Unbeknownst to her parents, the baby took this photo opportunity to communicate via hand-gang-sign to her contemporaries. That's how she rolls.

A little Mickey D's and morning waves.

Kavella is quite animated, but it's hard to capture on film. Here are a few pictures of her snubbly face, which will mostly entertain us...her parents.

Baby feet. Tasty.


S. Gibson said...

Wow, these pictures make me want to go to Kauai. How fun! Congrats on baby numero dos. When are you due?

Anonymous said...

Hi Sara! We're having a boy in July! I'll have to take tips from you--you're an expert on raising boys!

Matt and Mel Odell said...

Oh I guess I am on the right site, thought I was looking at a JCrew catalog for a minute.

Jenn said...

Hahaha, that was funny Melody!

Love it! I wish Brian looked as good as Dustin.

Beaners said...

So beautiful! I wish we could've gone, would've been a blast! Kavella is adorable as always! And I'm not gonna lie, the first pic of you is pretty dang sexy! Flawless skin, all golden brown and a beautiful smile! I'm jealous! Especially with my raccoon eyes that will never go away regardless of the amount of makeup used and my new birthmark thingies at the corners of my eyes. I'm so hideous. Love yoU!