Thursday, August 26, 2010

Flying in Poppy's Plane!

After Vegas, we went up to visit Granny and Poppy for a bit, which is always fun! Kavella approached Dustin with a request--she wanted to head for the sky in Poppy's plane! How could Dustin say no to this face? He couldn't.

Choco and Kavella checked to make sure the runway was clear....

Poppy pulled the airplane out of the hanger and performed all the required checks before takeoff.

Our pilot--Poppy! He is a very thorough, careful and smart pilot!

Let's take a closer gander at this photo. Although my face screams "DANGER!!," if you look in the background, you can clearly see that we are still on the ground. Oops.

"Breaker, breaker, 5-9, roger that."

"Here we goooooooo!!!"

Within 5 minutes of takeoff, Kavella was lulled to sleep by the consistent purr of the engine. Look at her scrumptious, chubby cheeks.

We flew over Sand Hollow and saw that it was packed! It was Pioneer Day weekend, so maybe that had something to do with it.

Time to land! Thanks, Poppy, for the fun airplane ride!

Quickly realizing that her super-baby-X90 toned-muscles were much more powerful than previously thought,

Kavella decided to just push the plane into the hanger with one finger. Yes, one finger on the tip of the propeller should do it.

When we arrived back to the house, Eloise delighted us all with yet another display of her 15-bag-minimum half-eaten bags of chips. Ahhh, so cute. Time to go help Granny clean out her pantry! Ha, ha, just kidding!

Yeah! Choco's gettin' a little cousin-lovin' from Bandit! Children, turn away.


Beaners said...

Hahahahaha! What a great post!! I love the plane ride! Kavella looks so cute! And your comments make it hilarious!! First of all, I love her little pic on the wing with her little leg crossed! And her purple jellies! Nice fake pic..Real cool Kelly tricking a 22 year old! (remember when Dalin said that to us, but he was 5?) haha! I love the breaker breaker pic and her little teeth! So cute! Mmm! I wanna eat those cheeks! Ok, the plane jack picture and the one-finger picture made me and bryce laugh forever! SOOOOO funny!! I love Granny's chips! There are always so many! Good Boy Bandit, jk! Poor Choco was on drugs and didn't know what to do :) Can't wait til next week! Love yoU!

Jenn said...

Kavella really looks scared in the "not off the ground" pic. And Eloise's chip fetish reminds me of Mom saving EVERY last crumb and morsel of, well, everything.

Matt and Melody Odell said...

No wonder Kavella is such a dare devil, look at the things she experiences at such a young age! She is so lucky to have such cool parents.