Friday, September 10, 2010

Sandy Beaches

K is for Kavella! Okay, secretly, I sort of still claim the letter K as my own, but I'm lending to Kavella for a bit. I just wanted to show you a few of the crafts I did this month. Above, a little letter I painted and then modge-podged. Below, a couple of bookshelves I redid! Thanks, Deina, for donating them to the Morrison cause! I hope she didn't want them returned. I just painted them and then lined them with fabric. The fabric actually shrunk up after I applied glue, so I'll have to remember that the next time I'm feeling furniture-crafty.

Butterfly and Eskimo Kisses! I remember thinking these types of kisses were pretty fun, so I thought I'd teach Kavella how to do them. She enjoyed the Eskimo ones, but the Butterfly ones just made her crack up!

If you're in the general vicinity of Kavella and you happen to bend down, sit down or otherwise lower your back to any degree, you can certainly expect an attempt from her at a "horse ride!" Her LOVE for horsey-rides floods her thoughts, and I'm quite sure it could turn into an unhealthy obsesssion if we don't keep it in check.

I love being in charge of Playgroup when tons of moms show up! Autie, Michelle, Laura...

Chante, Melody, Kristy....

Jen, Amber and I know there were more that I didn't get pictures of. I love these girls--they are such great moms and friends!

Eden is Kavella's best girlfriend--they enjoy playing on the beach, hanging at Disneyland and dancing. It usually includes shaking their booties, putting their arms in the air and clapping and spinning.

Ha, ha, ha, ha!! Apparently, Eden wanted Corban to join in on the fun, but I'm not sure he was down for the whole dancing thing.

Chicklet teeth. Cute.


Jenn said...

OH MY GOODNESS, I LOVE the bookshelves!!! How did you do it? I have a little shelf thing in the corner that is just unpainted wood. Ellie still cracks up with butterfly kisses! Can't wait to see you at Christmas!!

Jenn said...

Oh yeah, I love Kavella's cute ruffle buns!

Anonymous said...

Kelly, you're so crafty! O.K. - so I couldn't wait any longer; yes - I looked at your latest post without waiting for your phone call! That picture of Kavella, Eden, and Corbin was too funny; and the ones following made it look as if Kavella and Eden felt like they had really pulled something over on Corbin. That's just like a couple of girls - to gang up on an unsuspecting boy!
Love, mom