Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Temple Square and Snowmobiles

Colleen's house provided an entirely new playground for Kavella! I never let her into our kitchen, so having access to Colleen's kitchen was most exciting for her! She loved to pull open the drawer under the stove and explore the cabinet containing Tupperware.

Look at those sparkly, blue eyes! Tangy!

She did pretty good with the tree--she only wanted a plastic ornament every once in a while....

The best present I received for Christmas this year was my little baby! Doesn't she make a scrumptious present? Thanks, Morrison family, for the hand-me-down outfit! She loves her Unkie Bryce!

I usually just let her "work it out" when she throws fits. She still looks so cute! Velvet baby shoes are edible.

Grandma Roberts (Mom) was sweet enough to watch K-baby so that Dustin and I could snowmobile a bit! It was ridiculously fun! We went up a bit later than Shane, Dad, Chris, Katy and Grandpa, so we went out after they did. The snowmobiles can HAUL!! Seriously, Dad (who weighs 250) got up to 70 mph! They have some serious power.

Mica watch. Go ahead, click on the picture to enlarge it--pretty cool watch, huh? Oh, you see what I did there?

Kelly riding the tricked-out four-wheeler!

Yes, yes, Choco ventured out on the snowmobiles, too! Kelly, Katy and Dustin. I'm sure he enjoyed himself until Dustin trekked off the beaten path, into some deep powder. In order to not sink, Dust had to jam out of there by gunning it and leaning far right.....Let's just say Choco endured a head-over-tail trip...three times. It was so sad and funny at the same time! Then, when I was calling for him to run to me, he literally sunk completely under the snow with each bound. I had to run out to him--he was so scared. What a trooper of a pup! We love Choco!

Shane and I felt fat in our suits. Toasty warm fat.

My snuggly husband! It was nice to spend some time together!

We all went to SLC's Temple Square to see the Christmas lights. Besides being FREAKING FREEZING, it was gorgeous! I don't think I've ever seen lights as pretty as on Temple Square. The lights cover each branch; they don't look tacky, cheap or hastily done....like, say, Rhema. Oh, don't take offense, all you Rhema folks! I'm just saying that nobody does it like Temple Square! There aren't like clowns juggling, choo-choo trains, palm trees or anything else totally unrelated to Christmas is all.

We decided to see how many people could fit in this picture. Seven.

Look at those trees!

She felt like Ralphie on "Christmas Story." All bundled up!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Yeah, Tupperware seems to be a drug for babies, they can never get enough.

And I love the picture of you and Kavella. She seems like she knows when the camera is on and she is gonna smile it up!

Who doesn't like Bryce??

Those snowmobiles can haul...I think dad only got up to 35-40 when he took me out and I thought we were going way faster.

I love how Bryce is sticking his head out behind Morgan to get into the picture. I sure love Bryce.

Those trees at Temple Square are truly amazing. I wish the people out here could see them, and then Rhema would look like the joke that it is.