Monday, February 27, 2012

Happy Halloween!

I love my little painted pony! Love, love, him. Love.

This was our first time to carve pumpkins as a family; I'm the type of person that does NOT put much weight into fulfilling EVERY holiday-themed activity, task, craft or project. However, if it happens to fit into our schedule, then it is surely enjoyed! Carving pumpkins was no exception--we had fun drawing the designs, cutting off the top, cleaning out the seeds/guts, carving out the jack-o-lanterns' faces and then watching it all come to fruition with the placement of a tealight candle! The best thing about the entire production was being with my family; nothing is more important and enjoyable to me.

Curren got to taste a candy corn for the first time....perhaps that was a mistake.

Remember when I mentioned that Kavella discovered "dressing up" her baby brother?

K, Max, Weston, William ready to trick-or-treat!

There is a particular neighborhood in Huntington Beach that goes OFF for Halloween; each house is a haunted mansion or covered in Halloween-themed decor. Kavella kept receiving "double" candy offers because she was so cute! I'm not just saying that because I'm biased; she really did! I mean, look how cutiepie sweet she looks! Love this girl!

That doll looks scarily like Kavella as a baby...

I tried to tuck his double-chin under his shirt for the picture, but it peeped out there on the left side...oh, well, he better just get used to a fat chin; it's in his genes!

I feel so thankful to have these babes in my life! Kavella, Curren, if you are reading this, I want you to know that I love you with all my heart and NOTHING could ever change that! You two are my world.

Carter, the ninja!

1 comment:

Matt and Mel Odell said...

Curren's smile is so contagious. Sooo cute! PS its a girl!! help!