Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Girls' Night Out!

Amber, me, Hanne, Michelle (Chante had already left)

The other night, I got to go out for a GNO (aka Girls’ Night Out) to Disneyland! I was so happy to be out of my home past 6:30 at night, spend time with my girlfriends and have adult conversations. As an added bonus, I scored a handicapped pass for my foot, so we didn’t have to wait nearly as long to get onto rides! Besides one coaster being closed, things were going quite well…that is…until we went on Space Mountain (a roller coaster in the dark). It went something like this: hahahaha, whooooaaaa, weeeeeeee!!!!! Ha, ha, ha, ahhhhhh, weeeeee…*CLICK-FLASH*…… Oh, no. That can’t be good.

As we exited the attraction, my picture proved worse than my worst expectations; before me appeared, not a double-chin so much as a single blob of flesh-colored jello hanging from the tip of my chin to my clavicle. I barely glanced at the other girls’ pictures before I was quite literally yanking them by the arm to get them outta there and away from those pictures! Just in time, apparently, as I later learned that Chante was mid-process of memorializing the entire horrid experience for the world to see via Facebook, blog, myspacetwitterpinterest, er, whatever viral domain she saw as fit. I wanted to look like I was having a great, wonderful time, not like I was spending time in an anti-gravity machine. We all had a good laugh and I brushed it off as a fluke, but I didn’t ignore what my future behavior should be as to prevent that from occurring again; Okay, okay, smile, smile, smile. Smile the entire ride. Smile.

Later, while on Star Tours, a star command officer announces that a “prisoner is on board” and up flashes yup, you guessed it, this girl! Exciting, huh? I’m NEVER chosen in an audience, so I felt pretty stoked, Proud even. And, because of my previous experience, I knew that smiling since the moment I stepped INTO the “starship” would prove beneficial at THIS VERY MOMENT. This was my time to shine. A split second before seeing my face (I started from the bottom of the picture …up), I heard my friends saying, “Kelly, that’s you! That’s your picture!” My heart beat faster! What? Me?! It’s ME!? I relished in my milliseconds of pure joy… …Until I looked up from recognizing the outfit I was donning to discover the ugliest, most despicable, almost witch-like face in the exact spot where my face normally is. Oh, no, that can’t be good.

Then I got to thinking…”I wonder if that’s what I always look like?” Surely not. Right? Not so. It turns out, that’s EXACTLY what I look like. Enjoy a few of my crap-is-that-really-how-large-my-chin-is? photos:

This one is the WORST (above)!! I've deleted sooo many double-chin photos that look like this.

Welp, Curren, now you know who you inherited your chin from:

1 comment:

JS said...

oh how fun! DIsneyland without kids is SOO much fun! I miss my disneyland passes, and I miss my friends! I miss the weather, I miss... ok, gotta stop. :)

Glad you got out! And whatever double chin... you are the skinniest girlies i know!