Friday, July 22, 2011

Port Sea, Australia

Port Sea was such a beautiful place. The homes were all nicely kept and the scenery was gorgeous!

There were a bunch of high-school-aged groms snorkeling underneath this pier. They were talking at a normal volume, but we could hear EVERYTHING they were saying! Kids are stupid and have dumb conversations.

Traveling while 5 months pregnant (Australia) actually proved easier/more enjoyable than traveling while 2 months pregnant (Hawaii) for me, but I'm sure I was equally as annoying to Dustin for both trips; one with all-day sickness and the other with being slow/tired. Sorry, babe.

Yea! Dustin got to catch a few waves! He is such a good surfer; he knows exactly when the wave will break and where to enter it. Plus, he is sturdy while riding it. I quite enjoy watching him surf!

So, as I was laying on the beach, watching D surf, I was bombarded by horseflies! Ugh, I HATE horseflies. They are these enormous fly-like bugs that bite you and leave an itchy, big red spot. Growing up, they used to come around our pool every once in a while. We would find solace from them by quickly going under water and remaining there for as long as our breath would allow. However, I was unable to descend under water while in Australia, so I spent most of my time swatting, batting, shooing and running from the stupid things!


Double-chin shot of Joseph (Sales Manager), me and Dustypoo; I figure since I ALWAYS have a double-chin, I'll force others to have one so I don't look as bad. We had just eaten a delicious steak dinner and were heading back to the Crown Hotel to sleep off our indulgences. MMMM, steak is so good.

1 comment:

Beaners said...

Haha, I love the triple double chin pic! So much chin! Just like me :) Those are some sweet pics of Dustin surfing! You looks beautiful as always! I'm gonna comment on the last 2 posts with this one comment btw. Australia is too expensive!! Seriously, I would probably starve because I'd be too poor to buy anything that would feed me. I LOVE the pic of the skyline with the beautiful stormy skies, so pretty!! That Rugby game looked sweet! I often think Chris should've played Rugby, he's got the body type for it. That burp cloth is sooo cute! Good job on that! What a fun trip you had. Someday, when I die and before my spirit goes up to Heaven (hopefully) I will stop and see all the beautiful sites that you have gotten to see as I fly around as a spirit :) Well, please post pics of Curren! Love you!