Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Kavella's Glee

One of my favorite characteristics of Kavella is her enthusiasm for all things, even the mundane. Her response to my suggestions--from taking a bath, eating dinner, walking Choco to calling her Daddy, reading a book or going to the grocery store--is an innocent, excited "yeah!" Not a, "yeah, sounds good...." monotone response, but more of a "best-idea-I've-ever-heard-can't-believe-I-get-to-do that!" start the word in the low-tone range and work her way up to a high C as the word 'yeah' progresses kind of response! I love it. I absolutely love it. After she's confirmed that she indeed wants to participate in the designated activity, she follows it up with a gasp and a wide-mouthed expression of awe. I have to get video of it.

I also love her silly faces. While watching 'Yo Gabba, Gabba' recently, she tuned in to a particular segment on funny faces. After studying the "professionals" on the show, she has perfected her own silly face in the form of using her two pointer fingers to pull her mouth apart/open. Also, she gives her best attempt at a "monkey face" by pursing her lips and pulling her ears. So cute!

Kavella loves to "drive" the truck--steering, pushing buttons, rolling down the window, turning on the 4-wheel drive, etc. She'll only drive once the keys are in the ignition, which makes me slightly nervous, but at least she's smart enough to know where they go!

Last, when Kavella is confused about or questioning things, she puts her little baby hands up (palms toward the sky) with her elbows bent, cocks her head to the side and makes a little sound like, 'hu," which is followed by a bunch of gibberish chatter....And then squints her eyes and shakes her head back and forth like, "what!? What is going on?" It's snubbly and I love her.


Jenn said...

I LOVE this age (up through about 5-6). Everything is so exciting, even the things we do every day that we are bored sick with. Ellie LOVES to clean the kitchen sink with me. She gets so excited. I'm not complaining at all!

And the faces are so fun too! This is such a great age!!!

Anonymous said...

Sooo cute. I wonder if we will read about her driving off someday because mom left the car keys out. What are you doing up at 4:00 a.m.? Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha, don't be surprised if that DOES happen--this girl is clever! Oh, and I'm NOT up at 4:00 a.m.--I just change the time to a.m. when I post bc that's the only way I know how to do it! Jenn, I love this age, too!