Friday, April 16, 2010

Real Life

Dustin shot this video of Kavella climbing onto the couch. This is not the only thing she climbs--she climbs on top of her toy basket, stroller, our bed, the slides, the jungle gym, chairs and anything else I'll let her scale. Sometimes we just let her fall right off to teach her a lesson...just kidding, she accidentally falls sometimes, but so far, she's been able to get back up each time!

While scrounging in the garage, we found these baby boots that Deina gave us. When we put them on Kavella, she started walking like some sort of government army regime member...okay, specifically, like a Nazi. It was scary and cute all at the same time.

This is Kavella's Easter video. The only question I have is, is it too early to test for A.D.D.? Poor Kavella doesn't stand much of a chance against said disorder considering it's presence on both sides of her genetic inheritance. I'm kidding. I don't REALLY think she has it, it's just funny how easily she gets distracted. She must get that from her Dad....;)


Jenn said...

Hahahha!! Yeah, she doesn't stand a chance! She'll follow suit with the rest of the Roberts! And it's nice to finally have a parent let natural consequences occur. Yay for falling. ;)

Melissa + Brett said...

Love the monkey climbing stage. It's so funny, except when they start climbing on to the kitchen table. Ughhh! Why was she walking like that in the boots. I was dying laughing? Were they hard for her to keep on or something? Her Easter dress is too cute. Already trying to longboard? Impressive. :)
P.S. I'm trying to talk myself in to being excited for a minivan. My college roommies and I swore we would never drive a minivan. I'm dying that I have to break that promise. You can't have SUV's down here in Mexas because they constantly get stripped and stolen. Minivan is my only option. Double UGHHHH!!!!

Melissa + Brett said...

opps... Why was she walking like that in the boots? (Corrected punctuation) I was dying laughing! (Corrected punctuation)