Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Slowly, but Surely.

Kavella wanted to tool around with Dustin in the yard--is there a better way, I ask? 

It's either one or the other--never both--looking at the camera. 

Family photo: nailed it!  

Egg boobies and a pink bib--now, that's 'expressing yourself' Curren! 

Did I take a photo of  just some ranky-stank water?  Did I?

Look at those pretty nails, next to that beautiful face!

Here's a few Disneyland pics.  Clearly, Kavella is thrilled about visiting the 'happiest place on earth.' 

I'm not entirely sure it gets more white-trash than this--in pajamas, no grass, cinder blocks holding up the umbrella.  Awesome. 

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