Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Thanksgiving 2010

Happy Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is alright. I mean, the best part about it is spending time with family. It's nice to all gather together and eat. I just wish we were eating bbq foods--you know, couldn't the Pilgrims and Indians thrown together some tasty ribs, corn on the cob, chips, french fries, Caesar salad, hamburgers, hot dogs, etc.? It's not that hard. Okay, maybe the soda and french fries would have posed a slight problem....anyway, the food IS NOT my favorite part of Thanksgiving, but I DO enjoy spending quality time with my family!

Unfortunately, as I gathered pictures from our Thanksgiving Day, I noticed that nobody in my family likes to be photographed. I had a picture of LesLey taking a picture (thereby effectively blocking her entire face from the shot) and a picture of Jim eating a big bite of something (also, blocking the majority of his face) and a picture of everyone eating, which was blurry. So, shockingly, here are some pictures of Kavella....and a few of her cousins.


Amanda and Cassidy.

We didn't have any gloves that fit Kavella. Her little mittens were soaked because she just loved grabbing hand-fulls of snow and eating them! She's so cute.

We had a fun time up at the cabin! Kavella loved sledding with her Dad. I like that she is adventurous and willing to try things. Let's just hope she doesn't think she has to try EVERYTHING in life! Thanks to Dan and Les for inviting everyone up! The day after this, we were laying on a beach in Kauai. Is that how you spell it?

1 comment:

Jenn said...

K is such a babe!!