Thursday, March 3, 2011

Angel's Time.

Angel's time, time, time! I love going to games, especially with fun friends! Candice and Grace were able to meet us for a game, which was quite fun!

Kavella, how would you react if I told you that I actually forgot extra diapers and wipes? Ha, ha....but seriously....

Um, I am not exaggerating when I say it was 100 degrees out. What with handling Kavella and all, I decided this was actually a workout session and dressed accordingly...cheating? Most likely. Thankfully, the sun never hit our seats. I would have left if it did. On a totally different note, I can't believe Candice and I have been graduated for over 10 years....a decade!

I sure love my family.

Above, these are the tastiest, most satisfying treat in all of Angel's Stadium; they're funnel fries! It's like a funnel cake in fry form and you can dip them in strawberry sauce. Totally worth $9.00 or whatever absurd amount of money they cost!

Thanks, Gracie, for the Angel's teddy bear--what a treat!!


Melissa + Brett said...

Every time I read your blog you make me miss Cali more and more. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE going to the Angel's games!

Beaners said...

Funniest picture of Kavella I've ever seen! It might compete with the Crack Baby pic... maybe. I can't wait to see you guys in the morning! I'm gonna maul her cheeks! Love you!

Matt and Melody Odell said...

Seriously, you had to put that picture up? I guess I can pull one from the Hawaii days to get you back. I am seriously missing you guys! Come visit and I will show you the 909 like you have never seen it before!

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha, ha! Now, Mel, you look cute in that picture...if you posted ANYTHING from our Hawaii days it would be on-line suicide for me!!

Don & Michelle Morrison said...

Kavella is certainly a Morrison. Looks a lot like all Dave and Eloise's kids when they were little. Don Morrison