Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Serenity's Stay

I love Huntington Beach! Along our beach path, you can find all sorts of artsy displays. Most of them were probably some HB Elementary project, but I think they're cool! Oh, and I've decided to skip the last Powell post (for now)...these posts are starting to add up and I can't wait around for the "something special" I'm working on in the Powell post.

Kavella pointed to the surfer in this barrel and said, "Daddy!" Then, she proceeded to kiss it.

It's a whale's tale....no coincidence intended that I actually look like a whale on it.

Yea! Serenity came to visit me! Okay, she actually came to visit her beau who is stationed in San Clemente, but I got to hang out with her all day while he was at work! She is my first Oklahoma friend to come visit! I loved having her here and can't wait until she comes back.

Finally, Serenity found a pair of flip-flops that would fit her....jk! Don't worry, guys, she can take a joke!

The tide pools are always fun! This little kid took our picture, but before he actually took it, Seren gave him very detailed instructions on how to use her camera (bc it is unlike most cameras...wait, no it's not). After like 3 minutes of instruction, the kid said, "yeah, yeah, my mom has this exact camera." Doh! Kids these days.

Another HB gem. I told Serenity to stand on her head, but maybe she didn't hear me...isn't Kbaby cute in her little bike helmet?


mandy harline said...

so cute! looks like so much fun! it's good to see serenity.

Jenn said...

Dude, not cool with the tick pic!

Other than that, everything was cutie patootie!! I can't wait to see you! Love you!

Morgan said...

Super Cute new Pictures!!! I just LOVE the picture of Kavella kissing the surfer thinking it was Daddy, SO CUTE! And LOVE those cutie pie heart sunglasses!! She's too adorable. Mis you guys SOOOOOO much!