Monday, May 24, 2010

High Heels and Spinning...ha, ha!

Okay, this was a few weeks ago, so Kavella's obviously honed her spinning skills since then, but this is how she uses her "jumpy" these days. Yes, I do still put her in it when I shower. Otherwise, my house would be more of a disaster than it already is! Isn't Kavella so resourceful with the three-toys-a-year that she gets?

Just like any girl learning to walk in ridiculously high heels, there are a few moments of instability, but Kavella powers through like a lady! She has a great sense of balance, huh?


Morgan said...

Ok, I laughed out loud, SO HARD when I watched these videos! Kevella really gets some speed spinning in her jumpy. I think the video of Kavella walking in your high heels is the cutest thing EVER! She already pretty good at it, and she's only what, almost 17 months old! I just can't get enough of her.
We sure miss you guys!!!!!! Kavella's growing too fast. We all need to get together SOON. Hope you guys are doing awesome. Love you SO much!

Jenn said...

That girl is an adrenaline junkie! You'd better watch out or she's gonna end up like...well, the rest of the family!!

Melissa + Brett said...

OH MY GOODNESS! She is spinning so fast! I love how one foot stays planted on the floor. Her walking in those high heels is AMAZING! I can't even walk in heels that high. :)