I absolutely don't trust doctors--no offense, if you are one. I might trust a doctor as a friend, but certainly not as a doctor. I'll tell you why--doctors are "in business." Meaning, they want to make money. The more the operate, the more money they get. The more "problems" that need "fixing," the better it is for business! I can't believe I ever thought that doctors ACTUALLY cared about helping alleviate pain, improve health, etc. Naive. Ok, ok, so I'm really bitter.
Above, you see my crooked toe. That's the result of a "minor" surgery to fix a "bone spur" on the TOP of my second toe....instead of a SLIGHTLY raised bump, I now have a completely crooked toe. Awesome. Back to a DIFFERENT doctor (there's no way I would return to Dr. Radovic to fix the problem he created). This time, I needed a prosthetic put into my toe to keep it straight. Added bonus: my toe will now be shorter than it used to be, I won't be able to bend it, I will get a delightfully huge scar down the length of my toe and the prosthetic might not hold, requiring yet ANOTHER surgery (to replace it with a straighter/longer/thicker) prosthetic. Lesson: unless you're in awful pain, leave your body how it is!
Well, it looked like my toe was healing up quite nicely (above), but when the Doctor took x-rays, he discovered that the implant (prosthetic) was BARELY hanging onto (drilled into) my joint--think of it like an arrowhead on the top of a stick.....with the arrowhead part going into one joint in my toe and the stick end screwing into the other joint, thus creating a bridge between the two joints. Solution: the doctor held my foot with one hand, and used his other hand to push my toe onto the arrowhead with so much force that his hand was shaking AND my incision burst open, which required him to have to re-stitch the jagged, open and bleeding wound. Yes, I did get dizzy and almost wretch. This was like the never-ending toe story.
Eventually, it healed up pretty well, but it will never look the way it used to--until Heaven, that is! Then, I'll have a beautiful, skinny toe again! Until then, you all have to suffer through sandal season with me. Don't blame me! You know where I place the blame...