Sunday, January 29, 2012

Ranch Livin'

This is how a 2-year-old delicately indicates the burden of bearing bearded kisses (say that fast 5x's in a row); loves the kisses, hates the burn.

One of the most fun places to be: Morrison Ranch with Granny and Poppy.

Grant is NOT looking at wildflowers.

The weather was lovely.

Snoozin' on the Rhino.

Another snoozer! It must have something to do with the purr of the engine....

Go girl! You look faaaahhhhhbbbuuulouuuuuusss!

Morgan and Kavella (and baby Lilly)!

Our 4-wheel rides were the best because the weather was PERFECT! We'd find snow at the top of the mountains, but it was a balmy 70 something degrees out! It was so fun having Ricky, Morgan and Grant with us, too.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Kavella is so animated! These used to be sunglasses until the lenses popped out, so now she just wears them as spectacles. Isn't she sooooo cute? I could just snuggle her all day. Speaking of cute, look at Curren in his bath towel that Melody made for him....delicious.

It's all fun-n-games until Daddy spills you out onto the corner of the t.v....Do you see that strap around her chest? Yeah, that was supposed to keep her securely situated throughout the suitcase ride, but I suppose she unhooked it at some point, which is why she came flying out when Dustin tried to stop short. Oopsie! Time for an ice pack...

Here we are in Huntington Beach at,....well, I don't remember the name of the area, but it's a protected flatland of water and weeds that attracts birds. A lot of people go there to take pictures of the wildlife, but we went to see the stingrays! It was a lovely day. After the wetlands, we had a picnic lunch up in Seal Beach.

Stingray. Do you see it?

Look at that perfectly shaped head! I know you'd like to kiss his lips and chin right now, huh?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Curren's Blessing

Is that just the sweetest, most wonderful picture you've ever seen, or what? To make it more precious, I have to tell you that Curren is wearing the exact shoes that Dustin wore as a baby. Delicious.
When we blessed Kavella, I remember feeling overwhelmed--what if she spits up in her dress? what if she has a blowout? what if she's crying the entire time? is everyone going to make it to church on time? where will we have the subsequent brunch? what will everyone bring? what dress will actually fit ME? did we get a good picture? Ridiculous.
When we blessed Curren, I said, "forget all that jazz--let's just do it on a weekday." And, that's precisely what we did. It was awesome! Thanks goes out to Darci for letting us gather in her house! All the ladies brought a dessert and it was easy-breezy. Curren was a gentleman the entire night! I love him so much and am thankful he is my baby boy! My love for my children is stronger than anything else; they melt my heart and make it swell with joy, all at the same time. Perfect.

I have never felt so complete!

This is the whole clan! We all decided to do a "funny" face in the next picture, but I guess Dan and LesLey (center of the photo) missed the "memo!" Ha, ha, it would have been funnier the other way around--Dan and LesLey making funny faces while the rest of us were just smiling! Doh! Oh, and look at LesLey trying to pull a polygamy move on Dustin in the picture above--it looks like she's with my man! Oh, no you di-in't, girl!

Maddie calls Curren "naughty," but in a good way!

Three generations of Morrison boys! They are so handsome!

I wonder if Granny is disappointed that Curren isn't an EXACT replica of her, like Kavella is. Well, you can't win 'em all! Look how tan Eloise's arm is next to Curren; he's milky white!